Monday, March 5, 2012

telecommunication and networking

A telecommunications network is a collection of terminals, links and nodes which connect to enable telecommunication between users of the terminals. Networks may use circuit switching or message switching. Each terminal in the network must have a unique address so messages or connections can be routed to the correct recipients. The collection of addresses in the network is called the address space.
The links connect the nodes together and are themselves built upon an underlying transmission network which physically pushes the message across the link.
Examples of telecommunications networks are:

Messages and protocols

Messages are generated by a sending terminal, then pass through the network of links and nodes until they arrive at the destination terminal.
Thee messages consist of control (or signaling) and bearer parts which can be sent together or separately. A large number of protocols have been developed over the years to specify how each different type of telecommunication network should handle the control and bearer messages to achieve this efficiently.


All telecommunication networks are made up of five basic components that are present in each network environment regardless of type or use. These basic components include terminals, telecommunications processors, telecommunications channels, computers, and telecommunications control software.
  • Terminals are the starting and stopping points in any telecommunication network environment. Any input or output device that is used to transmit or receive data can be classified as a terminal component.
  • Telecommunications processors support data transmission and reception between terminals and computers by providing a variety of control and support functions. (i.e. convert data from digital to analog and back)
  • In a telecommunication environment computers are connected through media to perform their communication assignments.
  • Telecommunications control software is present on all networked computers and is responsible for controlling network activities and functionality..

Network structure

In general, every telecommunications network conceptually consists of three parts, or planes (so called because they can be thought of as being, and often are, separate overlay networks):
Example: the TCP/IP data network

The data network is used extensively throughout the world to connect individuals and organizations.
Terminals attached to TCP/IP networks are addressed using IP addresses. There are different types of IP address, but the most common is IP Version 4.
TCP/IP are the fundamental protocols that provide the control and routing of messages across the data network. There are many different network structures that TCP/IP can be used across to efficiently route messages, for example:

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